Instruction Synopsis
We were instructed on behalf of Northwood Investors International Limited to manage the implementation of a Cat A cellular serviced fit out of this 14,000 sq ft office building located within Farnborough.
Following the client reviewing our pre acquisition survey and agreeing a purchase with the former vendor, the client elected to refurbish the building to include cellular serviced offices in order to include this block within the PURE Offices programme. This included a refurbishment of the offices, cosmetic refurbishment of the common parts and a number of remedial works to the building envelope.
The office plan changed a number of times throughout the preliminary stages of the contract, with a number of lettings agreed to different office spaces, which involved splitting the spaces to suit the specific tenant’s requirements.
Appointed as Project Manager, Contract Administrator, Cost Consultant and Principal Designer, we developed the brief and managed the works from inception through to completion.
Due to a number of tenant led alterations to the initial plan, we had to alter the specification to suit the amended requirements, whilst ensuring the overall programme was not overly impacted and the costs managed within a pre-agreed budget.
Working closely with the project team during the fit out process, including weekly inspection and meetings, the design was developed to improve the general layout and flow of the building, which included the relocation of the managers suite and adaptions to the kitchen areas, all within the initial budget parameters.
• Project Manager, Contract Administrator and Principal Designer of Cat A fit out.
• Incorporation of a number of design changes to support agreed lettings.
• Design team appointed including services consultants and validation contractors.
• Works completed on budget and within the time frame initially expected.
• Project completed to a high standard, with a number of the cellular units let on completion.